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ELL784: Introduction to Machine Learning

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Instructor: Sumeet Agarwal
3 credits (3-0-0)
Pre-requisite: MTL106
Overlaps with: ELL409, COL774, COL341
I Semester 2022–23
Tu F 17–17:50, W 12–12:50, LH 316

[Machine Learning: A very quick introduction.]
[Introduction to a similar course, written by Amos Storkey at the University of Edinburgh.]

Evaluation components

Audit criteria

Grade B- or better, plus 75% attendance


Planned outline

Serial no. Topics Lecture nos. PRML Chapters Other References Slides
1 Introduction: Nature of Intelligence and Learning; Revision of Probability Theory, Distributions, Bayesian Inference 1–8 1, 2 Review of Probability Theory; The Multivariate Gaussian Distribution; Mathematics for Machine Learning
2 Basics of Learning: Tasks, Models, Features 8–10 Flach Chapter 1 Very quick introduction
3 Supervised Learning: Linear Regression Models 11–18 1, 3 Regression notes PRML Chapter 1; 'Beauty' in Scientific Theories; PRML Chapter 3
4 Supervised Learning: Classification, Linear Discriminant Analysis, the Perceptron 19–21 1, 4 Linear models for classification
5 Supervised Learning: Support Vector Machines, Kernels 22–23; 25–28 6, 7 SVM notes; SVM tutorial; Properties of kernels; Platt's SMO paper; SVM demo
6 Supervised Learning: Probabilistic models—Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes 24; 28 4, 8 Regression notes; Generative learning notes Linear models for classification
7 Supervised Learning: Neural Networks, Deep Learning 29–34 5 ANN tutorial; Geoff Hinton lecture on deep learning; Convolutional neural nets: tutorial, demos; Sparse autoencoder notes; Baby Human video clip on face recognition; Backpropagation with max pooling notes Google's unsupervised deep learning
8 Unsupervised Learning: Clustering, Mixture Models, Latent Variables, Expectation-Maximisation 34–37 9 K-means notes; GMM notes; EM notes Clustering
9 Unsupervised Learning: Dimensionality Reduction, Factor/Component Analysis 38–39 12 PCA notes; PCA tutorial; Factor analysis notes PCA

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