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 Analog Integrated Circuits


Homeworks will be assigned from time to time. You are welcome to discuss these with the instructor. However, solutions will not be provided on the website. You are not obligated to do the homeworks either, as these will not be evaluated. However, I would expect you to do these, if you would like to learn the subject.

11 Feb, 2009:Practice problem set 1,Current mirrors, single stage amplifiers[PDF]
13 Feb, 2009:Minor 1,[PDF]
15 Feb, 2009:Minor 1 solutions,[PDF]
20 Mar, 2009:Minor 2,[PDF]
28 Apr, 2009:Minor 2 solutions,[PDF]
4 May, 2009:Final,[PDF]
8 May, 2009:Final solutions,[PDF]
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Last updated on October 19 2016 at 08:01 IST