Laboratories Development:

Established the Water Resources Simulation and Management Laboratory, which was initiated in 1981 and was reinforced in 1984 through the procurement of HP 1000 computer system. A major upgradation has been done in 1990 through replacement of the old HP 1000 system with a UNIX based HP 9000 system. The Simulation Lab. is the heart of the Post-Graduate program in water resources. A Laboratory course (CE740) has been designed to introduce all the Masters' students to the computer system, various programming languages and the basic tools prevalent in the area of water resources. Besides the HP 9000 system an Image Processor and six units of PC ATs are also available.

Established the Computational Laboratory, which is a central computational facility in the Civil Engg. Department. Besides equipping it with the latest systems including the workstations and Pentiums, the Local Area Network with 50 nodes spread over the department was also established.

Another laboratory, namely GIS (Geographical Information System) Lab. has been established. This laboratory shall be used to support the GIS course introduced at the Master’s level.

© Prof. A.K. Gosain, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi