Publication in Reviewed Journals

  1. Pande S., H. H. G. Savenije, L. A. Bastidas and A. K. Gosain (2010), A Parsimonious Modeling Approach For Water Management In Dryland Areas, IAHS-AISH publication, International Association of Hydrological Sciences,Issue 0144-7815, pp 85-90.

  2. Debele B., Srinivasan R., Gosain A.K. (2010), Comparison of Process-Based and Temperature-Index Snowmelt Modeling in SWAT, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp 1065-1088.

  3. Singh, A., and Gosain, A. K. (2009). "Conflict Resolution in Indian transboundary watercourses: A case study" International Journal of Environmental Research and Development. Vol. 4 (1), pp 263-275.

  4. Bekele Debele, Raghavan Srinivasan and A. K. Gosain (2009). Comparison of Process-Based and Temperature-Index Snowmelt Modeling in SWAT, Water Resources Management, DOI 10.1007/s11269-009-9286-2.

  5. Gosain, A. K., and Sandhya Rao (2007). Impact assessment of climate change on water resources of two river systems of India, Jalvighyan Sameeksha, Vol. 22, pp 1-20.

  6. Gosain, A. K., Sandhya Rao, and Debajit Basuray (2006). Climate change impact assessment on hydrology of Indian river basins, Current Science, Vol. 90 (3), pp 346-353.

  7. Ambast, S. K., Keshari, A. K. and Gosain, A. K. (2005). A simple procedure for estimating distributed daily evapotranspiration using Landsat-TM data. Photonirvachak, Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp 39-49.

  8. Gosain, A. K., Sandhya Rao, R. Srinivasan and N. Gopal Reddy (2005), Return-flow assessment for irrigation command in the Palleru river basin using SWAT model, Hydrological Processess. 19, pp 673-682.

  9. Singh, A., and Gosain, A. K. (2004). 'Conflict Resolution in transboundary watercourses: An Indian Perspective' International Journal of Land Use and Water Resources Research Vol.4, pp 2.1-2.5.

  10. Gosain, A. K., and Singh, A. (2004). 'Water Rights in Indian Transboundary Watercourses' Hydrology Review Journal Volume 19 (1-2), pp 51-60.

  11. Gosain, A. K., and Sandhya Rao (2004), GIS-based Technologies for Watershed Management, Current Science, Vol. 87 (7).

  12. Calder, I.R., Amezaga, J., Bosch, J., Fuller, L., Gallop, K., Gosain, A. K., Hope, R., Jewitt, G., Miranda, M., Porras, I. and Wilson, V., 2003, Forest and water Policies - The Need to Reconcile Public and Science Perceptions. Geologica Acta. 2(2), 157-166.

  13. Ambast, S. K., Keshari, A. K. and Gosain, A. K. (2003). Estimation of distributed daily evapotranspiration using remotely sensed data, Hydrology Journal, 26(4), pp 13-29.

  14. Sudheer, K. P., Gosain, A. K., and Ramasastri, K. S. (2003) Estimating actual evapotranspiration from limited climatic data using artificial neural network technique. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, 129, 3, 214-218.

  15. Narula K.K., Bansal N.K., Gosain A.K. and Wendland F. (2003), 'Area-differentiated modelling of excess nutrient and contaminant leaching risk on river scale using hydrological approach in India', International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 19(3).

  16. Narula K.K., Bansal N.K., Gosain A.K. and Wendland F. (2002), 'A methodology for evaluating risk to nutrient transport in large catchments in India', Journal of Environmental Studies and Policy, 5(1), 5-11.

  17. Gosain, A. K., and Singh, A. (2002) "Evolution of International Laws concerning Conflict Resolution in the International Watercourses" Water and Environment Management Series published by International Water Association, UK, pp 367-376.

  18. Narual K.K., Bansal N.K., and Gosain A.K. (2002), 'Hydrological sciences and recent advances-a review', TIDEE (TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment), 1(1), 71-93.

  19. Narula K.K, Bansal N.K., Gosain A.K., and Wendland F. (2002), 'GIS-based identification of risk to nutrient exposure in the large agricultural lands of India: towards a better decision making'. Geographical information and decision analysis-an International Journal, 6(2), 82-94.

  20. Sudheer, K. P., Gosain, A. K., and Ramasastri, K. S. (2002) A data driven algorithm for constructing ANN based rainfall-runoff models. Hydrological Processes, 16, 6, 1325-1330

  21. Sudheer, K. P., Gosain, A. K., Saheb, S. M. and Rangan, D. M. (2002),'Modelling evaporation using artificial neural network algorithm'. Hydrological Processes, 16, 16, 3189-3202.

  22. Ambast, S. K., Keshari, A. K. and Gosain, A. K. (2002). 'Satellite Remote Sensing to Support Management of Irrigation Systems: Concepts and Approaches', Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, 51: 25-39.

  23. Morid, S., Gosain, A. K. and Keshari, Ashok, K. (2002), 'Solar Radiation Estimation using Temperature-based, Stochastic and Artificial Neural Networks Approaches', Journal of Nordic Hydrology, 33(4), 291-304.

  24. Morid, S., Gosain, A. K. and Keshari, Ashok, K. (2001), 'Challenges in Snowmelt Simulation Modelling', Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, 27, No 2, 11-20.

  25. Moharram, S. H., A. K. Gosain, and P. N. Kapoor, (1993), 'A comparative study for the estimation of the Generalized Pareto distribution', J. Hydrology, 150, 169-85.

  26. Abbi, S.D.S. and A.K. Gosain, (1980), 'Operational Flood Forecasting in Yamuna River by Application of Sacramento Conceptual Model', Mausam, 31(4), 529 534.

  27. Abbi, S.D.S., A.K.Gosain and P. Narayan, (1980), 'Application of Deterministic Conceptual Model for Water Balance Studies', Mausam, 31(2), 191 200.

  28. Gosain, A.K. and S.D.S. Abbi, (1980), 'Application of Sacramento River Forecast Model to an Indian Catchment', Mausam, 31(1), 55 64, India Meteorological Department, New Delhi.

© Prof. A.K. Gosain, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi