
  • Integrated Watershed Management through Simulation Modelling with Livelihood Linkages and GIS based Approaches, Pradeep P. Lodha and Ashvani Kumar Gosain, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. ISBN: 978-3-8383-0859-3

Book Chapters:

  • Bhatt, C. P., Gosain A.K. (Lead Authors), and M. P. S. Bisht (Contributing Author), (2011) Linkages with Biophysical and Socio-economic Systems (Chapter 5), Report of the Study Group on Himalayan Glaciers, Report No. PSA/2011/2, Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.

  • Gosain, A. K (2010)Indian Water Resource Management: A Scientist’s Analysis, Science in India Achievements and Aspirations, (Eds.) H.Y. Mohan Ram and P.N. Tandon, Indian National Science Academy, Pp 257-272.

  • Lead Author on Water for Indian Climate Change Assessment 2010, by INCCA (Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment, MoEF.

  • Reviewer, Water Resources Assessment - The National Perspective, A Technical Guide for research and Development, National Remote Sensing Centre, Indian Space research Organisation, Hyderabad, India, October 2009

  • Gosain A. K. and Sandhya Rao, (2008) Some of the SWAT Applications in India, 'Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) - Global Applications', Special Publication No. 4 of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation.

  • Gosain A. K., I. R. Calder, Jaime Amazaga, S. Rao, C. Batchelor and S., Saigal, (2008). Watershed Planning & Management Issues, Advances in Water Quality & Management, Eds., Sudhakar M. Rao, M. Mani and N. H. Ravindranathan, Research Publishing, pp 201-214.

  • Gosain A. K. and Sandhya Rao, (2007) Small Hydropower Assessment using GIS and Hydrological Modelling - Nagaland Case Study, in Renewable Energy and Energy Management (Eds.) S. C. Patra, B. C. Kusre and R. Kataki, International Book Distribution Co. Pp 33-46.

  • Gosain A. K. and Tripathi C. N. (2003) Climate Change and Agriculture in India - A case Study. Assessment of Climate Change in India and Mitigation Policies. (Eds.) S. K. Dash and Prakash Rao. WWF-India. Pp 29-38.

  • Gosain A. K. and Sandhya Rao, (2003) Impact of Climate Change on Water Sector. Climate Change and India - Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation. (Eds.) P. R. Shukla et. al. Universities Press. Pp 159-192.

Technical Reports:

  • Gosain, A. K., A. B. Shrestha and S. Rao (2010) Modelling climate change impact on the hydrology of the Eastern Himalayas, Climate change impact and vulnerability in the Eastern Himalayas – Technical Report 4. Kathmandu: ICIMOD, Nepal

  • Lead Author, 'Water' in Climate Change and India: A 4x4 Assessment - A Sectorial and Regional Analysis for 2030s, INCCA: Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment, INCCA Report #2, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, November 2010.

  • MIS for Water Management in Gandak Project, Report on the participatory workshop conducted in March, 1993, at WALMI, Patna, sponsored by INDIA-IIMI project on Ground Water.

  • Microcomputer Activity in IMTP Institutions Profile and Recommendations, Technical Report No. 39, WAPCOS/LBII, IMTP of Water Resources Management and Training Project of USAID, New Delhi, pp. 97, 1990.

  • Management Information System (MIS) and Workplan for MIS Development for Rajasthan State Irrigation Department, Technical Report No. 37, WAPCOS/LBII, IMTP of Water Resorces Management and Training Project of USAID, New Delhi, pp. 60, 1989.

  • Curriculum Document on Practical Training in Civil Engineering, pp. 18, CD Cell, Civil Engg. Deptt., IIT Delhi, 1986.

  • Operational Applications of Mathematical Models in Developing Countries, Vol II, Co author Prof. P.N. Kapoor, pp. 171, Agency; Org. Committee, IWOAM, 1985.

  • Newer Techniques in Highflow Range Forecasting, Vol. V, pp.363, Agency; Indian National Committee for International Hydrological Programme, 1984.

© Prof. A.K. Gosain, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi