Events Organised

  • National
  • International
  • Coordinator, National Seminar on Namami Gange Challenges and Opportunities in association with The Institution of Water and Environment (India) on 11th July 2015.
  • Coordinator, Training Workshop on GIS & Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) conducted exclusively for Central Water Commission Officers, November 24-28, 2014, under the aegis of Continuing Education Programme.
  • Coordinator, SWAT training workshop under TA 7417-IND National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) - Support for the National Water Mission, held at Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, July 18- July 21, 2011, supported by Central Water Commission & Asian Development Bank.
  • Coordinator, Science for Sustainability - Driver for a Common Future, 3rd German-Indian Conference on Research for Sustainability, Sponsored by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi, February 3-4, 2010.
  • Coordinator, Inception Workshop, "CLIMAWATER - Climate change impacts on river basins in semi-arid areas in India: Mitigation and adaptation measures to address current and future challenges", a collaborative project between the Indian Institute for Technology, Delhi (IITD) and the Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research (BIOFORSK), MCR HRD Institute, Hyderabad, February 14, 2009.

  • Member, Technical Committee, National Seminar on Conservation and Restoration of Lakes (CAROL-2008), Organised by NIH, Roorkee and NEERI, Nagpur, October 16-17, 2008, Nagpur.

  • Co-Chairman, 13th National Symposium on Hydrology with focal theme on 'Inflow Forecasting during Extremes', sponsored by INCOH (Indian National Committee on Hydrology), August 28-29, 2008, New Delhi

  • Coordinator, Training programme on Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Hydroelectric Projects, Sponsored by NHPC, New Delhi, August 19-22, 2008.

  • Coordinator, Workshop on Development and Implementation of Hydro Data Model for Building of Statewide Hydrological Infrastructure, DST through the research project, 18th March 2008

  • Member, Advisory Committee, National Seminar on Water Resources Management: Role for water sector in India, Organised by Indian National Academy of Engineers, New Delhi, February 21-22, 2008

  • Coordinator, National workshop on "Standardisation of Biological Databases" on 7th May, 2004, sponsored by DST.

  • Coordinator, "NATCOM V & A workshop on Water resources, Coastal zones and Human health" sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, IIT Delhi, 27 - 28 June, 2003.

  • Coordinator, Training Workshop on Geographic Information Systems, Sponsored by National Thermal Power Corporation, IIT Delhi, 19 - 23 May, 2003.

  • Coordinator, Training Workshop on "Use of SWAT in Basin Planning", Sponsored by Water Resources Restructuring Project of World Bank, UP Irrigation Department, IIT Delhi,16 - 21 December, 2002

  • Coordinator, the Workshop on "Polestar", Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, held at IIT Delhi from March 1-9, 2001.

  • Co-coordinator, Workshop on Rain Water Harvesting and Ground water Recharge, May 12, 2000, Environment Engineering and Management Group, IIT Delhi

  • Coordinator, the Workshop on "GIS-Based Water Resources Management", Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, held at IIT Delhi from April 27 to May 1, 1999

  • Coordinator, National Meet of Expert Group on S&T in Water Resources Management, Dec. 1996, sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.

  • Coordinator, Short Course on Geographical Information Systems, 13-15 Dec. 1993, sponsored by Continuing Education Programme, IIT Delhi.

  • Computer Specialist, Follow-up Workshop on Development of Microcomputer Based Library Information System, Jun. 1990, organized by Irrigation Management Training Institute, Trichy, Tamil Nadu.

  • Coordinator, Workshop on Formation of Curriculum Document on Practical Training in Civil Engineering, Mar. 1988, sponsored by Curriculum Development Cell of Civil Engineering Department, IIT Delhi.

  • Coordinator, Workshop on Computer Aided Teaching and Learning in Hydrology, Mar. 1985, sponsored by Curriculum Development Cell of Civil Engineering Department, IIT Delhi.

  • Organizing Secretary, National Workshop on Newer Techniques in Real Time Highflow Forecasting, Sept. 1984, sponsored by High Level Technical Committee on Hydrology (HYDCOM).

  • Coordinator, Workshop on Computer Aided Teaching and Learning in Hydrology, Feb. 1984, sponsored by Curriculum Development Cell of Civil Engineering Department, IIT Delhi.
  • Coordinator, Workshop on SOURCE 2016 organised by IIT Delhi In Collaboration with eWater (Australia), December 14-15, 2016, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.

  • Coordinator, Training Workshop on International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) organised by IIT Delhi, December 1-3, 2015, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.

  • Coordinator, Orientation Workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management for River Basin Planning organised by IIT Delhi In Collaboration with CWC and eWater (Australia), September 28-30, 2015, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.

  • Coordinator, Stakeholder Workshop of the FP7, EU project " High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes (HELIX)", August 13, 2014, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.

  • Coordinator, Webinar on " Integrated wastewater management through SWAT modeling of river basins in India and Europe ", New Indigo project, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, November 21, 2013.

  • Coordinator, Climate change and carbon management planning and review seminar, UK-India capacity development collaborative project between Queens University Belfast, IIT Delhi and School of Planning & Architecture Bhopal, sponsored by the British Council, New Delhi, 10th April, 2013.

  • Coordinator, Second HighNoon Spring School, as part of dissemination of the results and findings of the EU project " HighNoon – Adaptation to changing Water Resources Availability in Northern India with respect to Himalayan Glacier Retreat and Changing Monsoon Pattern ", sponsored by UKaid, 4 to 7 February, 2013, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.

  • Coordinator, the 2012 International SWAT Conference, organized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Texas AgriLife Research Spatial Sciences Laboratory, USA and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, July 18-20, 2012.

  • Coordinator, International SWAT Workshops, organized by Texas AgriLife Research Spatial Sciences Laboratory, USA and IIT Delhi, July 16-17, 2012.

  • Coordinator, HighNoon Spring School, as part of European Union project, " HighNoon – Adaptation to changing Water Resources Availability in Northern India with respect to Himalayan Glacier Retreat and Changing Monsoon Pattern ", 2 to 6 April, 2012, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.

  • Coordinator, Driver for a Common Future, 3rd German-Indian Conference on Research for Sustainability, Sponsored by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi, February 3-4, 2010.

  • Coordinator, Inception workshop of the consortium project between Bioforsk, Norvey and IIT Delhi on 'Climate Change Impacts on River Basins in Semi-arid areas in India: Mitigation and Adaptation Measures to Address Current and Future Challenge-CLIMAWATER', funded by Norwegian Government, Hyderabad, February 14, 2009.

  • Member, Steering Committee, International Conference on Water Environment, Energy and Society (WEES), January 12-16, 2009, organized by NIH Roorkee, India.

  • Coordinator, Workshop on Research Initiatives under e-Hydrology, DST in association with Microsoft, 21-22, April 2008

  • Coordinator, Indo-Mexican Workshop on Water Management in Metropolis, Under Indo-Mexican S&T Cooperation, Sponsored by DST, 30th Oct -1 Nov, 2006

  • Coordinator, Workshop on "Towards Implementing Environmentally Sustainable Water Policy for Himachal Pradesh", Organised by HP State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Shimla, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, and University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, and Sponsored by Forestry Research Programme (FRP) Department for International Development (DFID), U. K., August 28, 2004.

  • Coordinator, Workshop on "Bridging the gap between research and policy making in India", 3-4 February, 2004, sponsored by DFID UK.

  • Coordinator, International Training Workshop on "Stakeholders Assessment of GIS Tools and Data Sets for RWC Activities" Sponsored by Rice Wheat Consortium, CIMMYT India, IIT Delhi, 22 - 25 January, 2002.

  • Organising Secretary, International Workshop on GIS Technologies for Sustainable Development at Local Level, New Delhi, October 9 - 11, 2001, sponsored by DST and UNDP

  • Resource Person, Workshop on MIS for Water Management in Gandak Project, 18-19 March, 1993, sponsored by International Irrigation Management Institute, Sri Lanka.

  • Joint Organizing Secretary, International Workshop on Operational Applications of Mathematical Models (Surface Water) in Developing Countries, Feb. 1985, sponsored by HYDCOM, UNESCO, IAHS, INSA and IIT Delhi.









© Prof. A.K. Gosain, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi