Combinatorics and Graph Theory I

Spring 2019

Time and place of tutorial:
thursdays 15:40 to 17:10 in S11.

Office hours:
by email appointment.

held by Andreas Emil Feldmann on thursdays 12:20 to 13:50 in S11.

to get the credit for the tutorials you need to
  1. obtain 60% of the total points of the exercise sheets (each sheet is worth 10 points), and
  2. obtain 60% of the total points of the two quizzes (each quiz is worth 10 points).
These points are given for:
  • correctness of answers,
  • conciseness of arguments, and
  • readability of write-ups.
There will be an exercise sheet for each week, except when there is a quiz, consisting of problems related to the material covered in the that week's lecture. The sheet will be handed out during the tutorial and will be due at the start of next week's tutorial. The exercise sheets will also be uploaded on this page.

Exercise sheets:
  1. Sheet 1 Topic: Estimates. Handed out on 21/02/2019, due 28/02/2019.
  2. Sheet 2 Topic: Generating functions. Handed out on 28/02/2019, due 07/03/2019.
  3. Sheet 3 Topic: Flows. Handed out on 07/03/2019, due 14/03/2019.
  4. Sheet 4 Topic: Flows and cuts. Handed out on 14/03/2019, due 21/03/2019.
  5. Sheet 5 Topic: Matchings in bipratite graphs and connectivity. Handed out on 28/03/2019, due 04/04/2019.
  6. Sheet 6 Topic: Menger's theorem and ear-decomposition for 2-connected graphs. Handed out on 04/04/2019, due 11/04/2019.
  7. Sheet 7 Topic: Counting Spanning Trees. Handed out on 11/04/2019, due 18/04/2019.
  8. Sheet 8 Topic: Extremal graph theory. Handed out on 18/04/2019, due 25/04/2019.
  9. Sheet 9 Topic: Finite Projective Planes. Handed out on 25/04/2019, due 02/05/2019.
  10. Sheet 10 Topic: Applications of Finite Projective Planes: Latin Squares. Handed out on 02/05/2019, due 09/05/2019.
  11. Sheet 11 Topic: Ramsey theory and Error Correcting Codes. Handed out on 16/05/2019, due 23/05/2019.